2023 оны үндэсний их баяр наадмын хөтөлбөр [Naadam Festival Program 2023]


2023 оны үндэсний их баяр наадмын хөтөлбөр[English below]

Наадам 2023: Үндэсний их баяр наадмын хөтөлбөр

Тулгар төрийн 2232, Их Монгол Улсын 817, Үндэсний эрх чөлөө тусгаар тогтнолоо сэргээн мандуулсны 112, Ардын хувьсгалын 102 жилийн ой, Үндэсний их баяр наадмын хөтөлбөрийг танилцуулъя.

Нээлтийн арга хэмжээ долдугаар сарын 11-ний 11.10 цагт эхэлж 1 цаг 20 минутын турш үргэлжилнэ. Хаалтын арга хэмжээ долдугаар сарын 12-ны 21.50 цагт болно.


Naadam festival program 2023

The Naadam festival opening ceremony will start at 11:10am on July 11 and last for over 1 hour 20 minutes. The closing ceremony will be held on July 12 at 21:50.

Friday, 7 July 2023

9:00 – 19:00 Uriankhai Archery at Archery Field

Saturday, 8 July 2023

9:00–18:00 Buriad Archery at Archery Field

Sunday, 9 July 2023

08:00-18:00 First round of Knucklebone shooting tournament at Knucklebone Pavillion

9:00–19:00 Youth archery at Archery Field

11:30-21:00 “Deeltei Mongol” traditional clothing festival at Sukhbaatar Square

Monday, 10 July 2023

07.00-11.00 Khyazaalan 4-year-old horse racing at Khui Doloon Khudag

08.00-22.00 Quarterfinals of Knucklebone shooting tournament at Knucklebone Pavilion

08:30-14:30 First stage of Khana Archery at Archery Field

10:00–11:30 Ceremonial hoisting of the state flag at Sukhbaatar Square. National Flag Day!

13:00 Ceremonies of paying tribute to Genghis Khan Statue and wreath laying at Sukhbaatar Statue.

14.00-16:00 Shudlen 3-year-old horse racing at Khui Doloon Khudag

14:30–20:30 Middle stage of Khana Archery at Archery Field

15:00-17:00 State Grand Honoring Concert at Cultural Palace

19:00 Ceremony to honor State Banner at Sukhbaatar Square

21:00–23:00 State Grand Honoring Concert at Sukhbaatar Square

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

08.00-11:00 Quarterfinals of Knucklebone shooting tournament at Knucklebone Pavilion

09:30-11:10 Nine White Banners transferring parade from Sukhbaatar Square to Central Stadium

11:00 Ceremony to honor State Banner at Central Stadium

11:10 Naadam opening by presidential speech

11:20–12:40 Naadam Festival opening ceremony

11:40–12:40 Opening ceremony of Knucklebone shooting tournament at Knucklebone Pavilion

13:00–18:00 Youth Wrestling first and second rounds at Central Stadium

13:00-20:00 First and second rounds of Wrestling tournament at Central Stadium

13:00-22:00 Quarterfinals of Knucklebone shooting tournament at Knucklebone Pavilion

14:30-17:30 Final stage of Khana Archery at Archery Field

17:30–21:30 First stage of Khasaa Archery at Archery Field

23:00 Fireworks at Sukhbaatar Square

11 July events at Khui Doloon Khudag

08:00-11:00 Stallion horse racing at Khui Doloon Khudag

09:00-18:00 “Airag Khokuur” Mare’s Milk Festival at Khui Doloon Khudag

12:00-15:00 Ikh Nas 5+ year old horse racing at Khui Doloon Khudag

14:00 Cultural Naadam opening of Khui Doloon Khudag Naadam

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

07:00-14:00 Middle and final stage of Khasaa Archery at Archery Field

08.00-13.30 Finals of Knucklebone shooting at Knucklebone Pavilion

09:00-13:00 Third and fourth rounds of Wrestling tournament at Central Stadium

09:00–12:40 Youth Wrestling third and fourth round at Central Stadium

14:00-15:30 Prize award ceremony of Knucklebone shooting tournament at Knucklebone Pavilion

14:10-14:30 Tournament of the final 16 archers at the Archery Field

14:30-16:30 Fifth round of the Wrestling tournament at Central Stadium

14:30-16:00 Youth Wrestling fifth round at Central Stadium

16:00-16:40 Praise-singing and prize award for winning horses. President of Mongolia presents gifts to jockey children at Central Stadium

16:40-18:00 Sixth and seventh rounds of the Wresting tournament at Central Stadium

16:40-17:40 Youth Wrestling sixth and seventh rounds at Central Stadium

18:00-18:20 President of Mongolia presents certificates and medals to wrestlers with the newly-granted State Nachin (State Falcon) and State Khartsaga (State Hawk) Wrestling Titles.

18:20-19:20 Eight round of the Wresting tournament at Central Stadium

18:20-19:30 Youth Wrestling eight round at Central Stadium

18:00-18:20 President of Mongolia presents certificates and medals to wrestlers with the newly-granted State Zaan (State Elephant) Titles.

19:20-19:50 Ninth round of the Wrestling tournament at Central Stadium

19:20-19:50 Youth Wrestling ninth round at Central Stadium

19:50-20:00 President of Mongolia presents certificates and medals to wrestlers with the newly-granted State Garuda (State Elephant) and the Naadam winter title, depending on the winner’s previous title.

20:00-20:20 Naadam Festival closing ceremony

July 12th events at Khui Doloon

07:00-11:00 Five-year-old horse (Soyolon) race at Khui Doloon khudag

09:00-18:00 “Airag Khokuur” Mare’s Milk Festival at Khui Doloon Khudag

10:00-14:00 Cultural Naadam

12:00-14:00 Two-year-old horse (Daaga) race at Khui Doloon khudag

13 July events at Khui Doloon Khudag

07:00-09:00 Stallion, Ikh Nas, and Soyolon mixed-breed horse racing

09:00-11:00 Shudlen and Hyazaalan mixed-breed horse racing

12:00-12:10 Deputy Minister of Mongolia and Head of Committee of the National Naadam Festival opens the Horse Trainer’s Naadam

12:10-12:20 Horse Trainer’s Naadam opening performance

12:20–13:20 First round of Horse Trainer’s Naadam Wrestling

12:20–14:20 5+ mixed-breed amble horse racing

13:20-13:40 Award prizes and certificates to the winner, runner-up, and semi-finalists of National Naadam Wrestling

13:40-14:40 Second round of Horse Trainer’s Naadam Wrestling

14:40-14:50 Cultural performance

14:50-15:50 Third and fourth round of Horse Trainer’s Naadam Wrestling

15:50-16:00 Cultural performance

16:00–16:20 Fifth round of Horse Trainer’s Naadam Wrestling

16:20-16:40 Award prizes and certificates to the winners of horse racing

16:00–17:00 Sixth round of Horse Trainer’s Naadam Wrestling

17:00–17:20 Seventh round of Horse Trainer’s Naadam Wrestling

17:20–17:40 Award ceremony for the winner, runner-up, and semi-finalists of Horse Trainer’s Naadam Wrestling

Сэтгэгдэл (0)

ХХЗХ-ны журмын дагуу зүй зохисгүй зарим үг, хэллэгийг хязгаарласан тул ТА сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууны хэм хэмжээг хүндэтгэнэ үү. Хэм хэмжээг зөрчсөн сэтгэгдэлийг админ устгах эрхтэй.

    Сэтгэгдэл бичигдээгүй байна