Оскар 2019-д нэр дэвшигчдийн бүрэн жагсаалт.
Шилдэг зураг - Best picture
§ BlacKkKlansman
§ Black Panther
§ Bohemian Rhapsody
§ The Favourite
§ Green Book
§ Roma
§ A Star Is Born
§ Vice
Шилдэг эрэгтэй жүжигчин – Best actor
§ Christian Bale - Vice
§ Bradley Cooper - A Star Is Born
§ Willem Dafoe - At Eternity's Gate
§ Rami Malek - Bohemian Rhapsody
§ Viggo Mortensen - Green Book
Шилдэг эмэгтэй жүжигчин – Best Actress
§ Yalitza Aparicio - Roma
§ Glenn Close - The Wife
§ Olivia Colman - The Favourite
§ Lady Gaga - A Star Is Born
§ Melissa McCarthy - Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Лэйди Гага (зүүн гар талаас) анх удаа нэр дэвшиж байна.
Шилдэг эрэгтэй туслах дүр - Best supporting actor
§ Mahershala Ali - Green Book
§ Adam Driver - BlacKkKlansman
§ Sam Elliott - A Star Is Born
§ Richard E Grant - Can You Ever Forgive Me?
§ Sam Rockwell - Vice
Шилдэг эмэгтэй туслах дүр - Best supporting actress
§ Amy Adams - Vice
§ Marina de Tavira - Roma
§ Regina King - If Beale Street Could Talk
§ Emma Stone - The Favourite
§ Rachel Weisz - The Favourite
Шилдэг найруулагч - Best director
§ Alfonso Cuaron - Roma
§ Yorgos Lanthimos - The Favourite
§ Spike Lee - BlacKkKlansman
§ Adam McKay - Vice
§ Pawel Pawlikowski - Cold War
Зохиолоос сэдэвлэсэн шилдэг уран бүтээл - Best adapted screenplay
§ The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
§ BlacKkKlansman
§ Can You Ever Forgive Me?
§ If Beale Street Could Talk
§ A Star Is Born
Шилдэг уран бүтээл (эх хувилбар) - Best original screenplay
§ The Favourite
§ First Reformed
§ Green Book
§ Roma
§ Vice
Шилдэг гадаад хэл дээрх кино - Best original screenplay
§ Capernaum - Lebanon
§ Cold War - Poland
§ Never Look Away - Germany
§ Roma - Mexico
§ Shoplifters – Japan
Шилдэг дуу - Best original song
§ All The Stars - Black Panther
§ I'll Fight - RGB
§ The Place Where Lost Things Go - Mary Poppins Returns
§ Shallow - A Star Is Born
§ When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs for Wings - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Шилдэг хөгжмийн найруулагч - Best original score
§ BlacKkKlansman - Terence Blanchard
§ Black Panther - Ludwig Goransson
§ If Beale Street Could Talk - Nicholas Britell
§ Isle of Dogs - Alexandre Desplat
§ Mary Poppins Returns - Marc Shaiman, Scott Wittman
Шилдэг анимэйшн кино- Best animated feature
§ Incredibles 2
§ Isle of Dogs
§ Mirai
§ Ralph Breaks the Internet
§ Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Шилдэг баримтат кино - Best documentary feature
§ Free Solo
§ Hale County This Morning, This Evening
§ Minding the Gap
§ Of Fathers and Sons
Шилдэг кино зураг - Best cinematography
§ Cold War
§ The Favourite
§ Never Look Away
§ Roma
§ A Star Is Born
Шилдэг хувцасны дизайн - Best costume design
§ The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - Mary Zophres
§ Black Panther - Ruth E Carter
§ The Favourite - Sandy Powell
§ Mary Poppins Returns - Sandy Powell
§ Mary Queen of Scots - Alexandra Byrne
Шилдэг үс засалт болон нүүр будалт - Best make-up and hairstyling
§ Border
§ Mary Queen of Scots
§ Vice
Шилдэг тайз засалт - Best production design
§ Black Panther
§ The Favourite
§ First Man
§ Mary Poppins Returns
§ Roma
Шилдэг дүрс бичлэг - Best visual effects
§ Avengers: Infinity War
§ Christopher Robin
§ First Man
§ Ready Player One
§ Solo: A Star Wars Story
Шилдэг кино монтаж - Best film editing
§ BlacKkKlansman
§ Bohemian Rhapsody
§ The Favourite
§ Green Book
§ Vice
Шилдэг дуу хянан засалт - Best sound editing
§ Black Panther
§ Bohemian Rhapsody
§ First Man
§ A Quiet Place
§ Roma
Шилдэг дуу эвлүүлэг - Best sound mixing
§ Black Panther
§ Bohemian Rhapsody
§ First Man
§ Roma
§ A Star Is Born
Шилдэг богино хэмжээний кино- Best animated short
§ Animal Behaviour
§ Bao
§ Late Afternoon
§ One Small Step
§ Weekends
Шилдэг богино хэмжээний баримтат кино - Best documentary short
§ Black Sheep
§ End Game
§ Lifeboat
§ A Night at the Garden
§ Period. End of Sentence.
Оскар 2019-д нэр дэвшигчдийн бүрэн жагсаалт.
Шилдэг зураг - Best picture
- BlacKkKlansman
- Black Panther
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- The Favourite
- Green Book
- Roma
- A Star Is Born
- Vice
Шилдэг эрэгтэй жүжигчин – Best actor
- Christian Bale - Vice
- Bradley Cooper - A Star Is Born
- Willem Dafoe - At Eternity's Gate
- Rami Malek - Bohemian Rhapsody
- Viggo Mortensen - Green Book
Шилдэг эмэгтэй жүжигчин – Best Actress
- Yalitza Aparicio - Roma
- Glenn Close - The Wife
- Olivia Colman - The Favourite
- Lady Gaga - A Star Is Born
- Melissa McCarthy - Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Лэйди Гага (зүүн гар талаас) анх удаа нэр дэвшиж байна.
Шилдэг эрэгтэй туслах дүр - Best supporting actor
- Mahershala Ali - Green Book
- Adam Driver - BlacKkKlansman
- Sam Elliott - A Star Is Born
- Richard E Grant - Can You Ever Forgive Me?
- Sam Rockwell - Vice
Шилдэг эмэгтэй туслах дүр - Best supporting actress
- Amy Adams - Vice
- Marina de Tavira - Roma
- Regina King - If Beale Street Could Talk
- Emma Stone - The Favourite
- Rachel Weisz - The Favourite
Шилдэг найруулагч - Best director
- Alfonso Cuaron - Roma
- Yorgos Lanthimos - The Favourite
- Spike Lee - BlacKkKlansman
- Adam McKay - Vice
- Pawel Pawlikowski - Cold War
Зохиолоос сэдэвлэсэн шилдэг уран бүтээл - Best adapted screenplay
- The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
- BlacKkKlansman
- Can You Ever Forgive Me?
- If Beale Street Could Talk
- A Star Is Born
Шилдэг уран бүтээл (эх хувилбар) - Best original screenplay
- The Favourite
- First Reformed
- Green Book
- Roma
- Vice
Шилдэг гадаад хэл дээрх кино - Best original screenplay
- Capernaum - Lebanon
- Cold War - Poland
- Never Look Away - Germany
- Roma - Mexico
- Shoplifters – Japan
Шилдэг дуу - Best original song
- All The Stars - Black Panther
- I'll Fight - RGB
- The Place Where Lost Things Go - Mary Poppins Returns
- Shallow - A Star Is Born
- When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs for Wings - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Шилдэг хөгжмийн найруулагч - Best original score
- BlacKkKlansman - Terence Blanchard
- Black Panther - Ludwig Goransson
- If Beale Street Could Talk - Nicholas Britell
- Isle of Dogs - Alexandre Desplat
- Mary Poppins Returns - Marc Shaiman, Scott Wittman
Шилдэг анимэйшн кино- Best animated feature
- Incredibles 2
- Isle of Dogs
- Mirai
- Ralph Breaks the Internet
- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Шилдэг баримтат кино - Best documentary feature
- Free Solo
- Hale County This Morning, This Evening
- Minding the Gap
- Of Fathers and Sons
Шилдэг кино зураг - Best cinematography
- Cold War
- The Favourite
- Never Look Away
- Roma
- A Star Is Born
Шилдэг хувцасны дизайн - Best costume design
- The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - Mary Zophres
- Black Panther - Ruth E Carter
- The Favourite - Sandy Powell
- Mary Poppins Returns - Sandy Powell
- Mary Queen of Scots - Alexandra Byrne
Шилдэг үс засалт болон нүүр будалт - Best make-up and hairstyling
- Border
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Vice
Шилдэг тайз засалт - Best production design
- Black Panther
- The Favourite
- First Man
- Mary Poppins Returns
- Roma
Шилдэг дүрс бичлэг - Best visual effects
- Avengers: Infinity War
- Christopher Robin
- First Man
- Ready Player One
- Solo: A Star Wars Story
Шилдэг кино монтаж - Best film editing
- BlacKkKlansman
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- The Favourite
- Green Book
- Vice
Шилдэг дуу хянан засалт - Best sound editing
- Black Panther
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- First Man
- A Quiet Place
- Roma
Шилдэг дуу эвлүүлэг - Best sound mixing
- Black Panther
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- First Man
- Roma
- A Star Is Born
Шилдэг богино хэмжээний кино- Best animated short
- Animal Behaviour
- Bao
- Late Afternoon
- One Small Step
- Weekends
Шилдэг богино хэмжээний баримтат кино - Best documentary short
- Black Sheep
- End Game
- Lifeboat
- A Night at the Garden
- Period. End of Sentence.
Сэтгэгдэл бичигдээгүй байна